Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Message From The Head Designer

Hey, it's Lindy, the Head Designer from Be Precious here. Every month, I'll be blogging about new fashion trends and whats new and trendy in the market. More importantly, I'll be writing how to incorporate these fashion ideas into modest fashion, and if possible, give you links to our site so you can stay modest while staying in style!

A little about me: I've been working in the clothing industry for over 25 years, and currently work with L.A. Movers and Be Precious. Over the past few years, I've decided to dress more modestly and have been part of Be Precious since before it's creation. I hope that I can provide all of you a new look on modesty not only from someone who is in the fashion industry, but also who values modesty and dresses modestly as well.
So stay in touch, my December post is only days away!

All the best, and happy hollidays!


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